Intake Form This form should be completed AFTER contacting Nancy. Please click here to contact Nancy. * Indicates required field. Intake Form from Website Child's Name* Caregiver's Name* Phone (best number to reach you)* Email Address* Home Address* City* State* Zip Code* Primary Insured Person’s Full Name* Insurance Company* Date of Birth* Gender Gender Male Female Pediatrician's Name Diagnosis and Defects* Gestational Age at Birth Weight at Birth Type of Birth Type of Birth Vaginal C-Section Was the child in the NICU? Was the child in the NICU? Yes No Were there extenuating circumstances at the birth? Please list any other hospitalizations. Please list any medications. Does the child receive therapy? Does the child receive therapy? Yes No If yes, what type and how many times per week? Does the child see any other specialists (please list)? What is your long term goal? How did you hear about us? 4 + 4 = Send